Published Jan 29, 2007
Baylor Beauty Shines For Super Bowl Week
Dr. Billy Ray Hall, Jr. Staff Writer
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Several former Baylor Bears now in the NFL will be in Miami for the Super Bowl. But one wishes her season, that's right, her season, would not have ended so soon. Rosie Johnson just completed her rookie year as an NFL cheerleader with the Miami Dolphins.
Before she wrapped herself in Dolphin teal, Rosie spent her college years as a member of the Baylor dance and cheer squad. "We had a great group at Baylor. It was fun. It's fun here, too, but I realize it's also a business. The practices and even game performances are intense, with the expectation of perfection from our instructors."
Rosie is aided by a background in dance. After graduating from Baylor, she returned to her home of Rockdale, Texas, to coach the drill team at Rockdale High School. After visiting a college friend from Baylor who had moved to Miami, her friend convinced her to be a roommate, and give South Beach a try. "I enjoy the warm weather and the beach. It's nice to live somewhere that people travel to vacation," she says.
The native Texan missed football, however, and when she learned about Miami Dolphin cheerleader try outs, she was eager to get back on the field. "Baylor was a tremendous help. I felt throughout the try outs, my dance experience was a strength." After making the squad, Rosie had to adjust to a new lifestyle. "I teach school here, but I wanted to find something that would allow for more flexible hours." Her Dolphin connection helped her land a new job that fit the cheerleaders' schedule. She is employed at the Ft. Lauderdale golf course.
Rosie is about as comfortable on the golf course, as she is on the sidelines. She was a UIL golf medalist in high school. "It helped that my parents' house was on the golf course in Rockdale," she added. But her dancing career had made her alittle rusty in golf. "It makes it easier to get in a few rounds now...working at Ft. Lauderdale's course."
Life continues to be a venture for Rosie, whether she's driving down Main Street in Rockdale, University Parks Drive in Waco, or South Beach in Miami. "There are good people and things to enjoy everywhere. My work as a Dolphins cheerleader has helped me get to know this area quickly. We do alot of promotional work, in addition to cheerleading."
Her parents, regulars at Floyd Casey Stadium during her Baylor days, visited her over Christmas and got to see her cheer at the Dolphins Christmas day game. "Yes, my parents made it out here over the holidays. Unfortunately, it rained the whole game. But we still had a blast, and at least it was warm rain!"
When asked if she keeps up with her alma mater, Rosie quickly acknowledged that she definitely keeps up with her Baylor teams. She intended to make it back for Homecoming, but the Dolphins' schedule interfered. "I'm excited to see some of the new facilities I've been hearing about on the campus."
While the Super Bowl is headed to Miami, this Baylor Bear is already looking forward to next year. "My Super Bowl will be when the Dolphins get there." Until then, she'll fight the warm rainstorms of the Miami winter.
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